Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program
Earn points for every Rand spent and turn it into rewards!
Join the Program
Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
Earn Points On Your Orders
Place a restaurant order
Get 1 point for every ZARÂ 1 spent
Purchase a product
Get 1 point for every ZARÂ 1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 1,000 points
Redeem Rewards
25,000 Points = 5% off a specific category
25,000 Points = 5% off a specific category
What Can I Use My Rewards For?
Points can only be redeemed for selected coins of the current and previous year. E.g. Current year 2023, so points can be used for selected coins minted in the years 2023 & 2022.
Each 1 ZAR you spend will be worth 1 point and each reward requires 25 000 points to redeemed. Unspent points will carry over to the next year.
Please note:
Rewards can not be stacked on an order e.g. 5% + 5% + 5% = 15% discount.
Bullion orders can receive points but can not redeem discounts.
Products already on promotion will not receive any rewards discounts.